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Mu Alpha Theta Math Club

Sponsor: Jeff Teeple

About Us

Associate – Open to any student who enjoys math and is enrolled in Algebra 1 or Geometry

Member  –   Open to any student enrolled in Advanced Algebra Concepts and Connections or a

                      higher level math class who has maintained a 3.0 GPA in just your mathematics

                      course throughout high school.

-        There is a one-time $10 initiation fee to join

-        Must maintain a 3.0 GPA or higher to remain a member in good standing

Meeting Dates  –  Club meets on the 2nd and 4th Thursday of each month

Meeting Times  –  2:45 pm until approximately  3:15 / 3:30 pm in Room C101

Competitions  –  Held throughout the year, both here at LHS and at nearby universities
